mercoledì 17 gennaio 2024



      Thus began my life in the beautiful city of Landa, full of gardens and palaces, the golden domes reflected the sun's rays in the sky, the happy and busy people ran up and down, I had made friends with that Commander, so grumpy but always active and present in every corner of the city, one day a very strange thing happened, some Panthers had entered the city, no one knew how, after a chase by the warriors, they disappeared near the perfumery, I as usual at that now together with Sir Youroki the builder and companion of Lady Zypero the administrator of the city, we drank our usual tea, we looked into each other's eyes and a doubt that turned into suspicion assailed us, how they had entered and how they had fled, without passing through the large gate, it was a mystery that we wanted to solve, taking advantage of the moment that the Perfumer was absent, we inspected that room, in the end in a corner covered by a large cloth there was a small door, we opened it and found ourselves in a narrow damp corridor and dark, we followed the path, at the end of the tunnel we came out in a large warehouse used as a warehouse, overlooking the port, in a semi-deserted area covered by palm trees, we returned to the city through the gate, we called the Commander, and after explaining the facts to him, he had the Perfumer imprisoned, who also turned out to be a Panther, in distant times, she sold at the market her herbs that she collected in the woods, used to package perfumes, later she sold them herself, renting that large room for her business as a perfumer.

      After the arrest, the commander took many men with him, going out to patrol the nearby forest, to try to capture those women, who, while roaming the streets, had killed a merchant standing on the threshold of his shop. The city remained undefended, only a couple of soldiers placed on the terraces, while I was sitting under the tent in the center of the square, a slave girl came running to call me, a Treves warrior with his Tarn was standing in front of the gate, shouting to open the gate for him. gate and to hand over the city to him, the slave and I took bows and arrows and chased away that Treves, remaining guard at the gate, until the commander with his garrison returned, but empty-handed, the Panthers had flown into that forest which they knew well.

   We resumed life, but well aware that something could happen soon, after a few days while Lady Blue and I sat calmly hand in hand, on the bank of the river that divided our houses from the walls, a group of Pirates armed to the teeth attacked us, there were many of them, I couldn't defend myself, they hit me on the head and I fell, and in my semi-consciousness, I saw them tie Lady Blue in a large carpet and take her away, when I recovered I raised the alarm, but by then their ship was on the high seas , and there was nothing we could do for Blue.

      You can imagine the disappointment, losing the woman I loved, without being able to defend her, I had a great sense of guilt inside me, and little by little the desire to go away, leave that city I loved pervaded me, it no longer had anything to offer me , only fears and disappointments.
I had already packed my things, I was waiting for a ship to the North, I still didn't know where to go, I would decide along the journey. That morning I had said goodbye to Lady Zypero, talked to a Captain of Port Kar about the journey, it was then that the sky darkened, dozens and dozens of Treves warriors arrived flying on their Tarns, they were everywhere, killing and destroying everything they met on their way , the city in flames, I with my slave, hidden under the large tent, I remembered the tunnel, which led from the perfumery to the port, without speaking I pulled the slave by the arm, dragging her inside, I removed the cloth and opened the door , we entered and after having locked her up and covered her, we ran towards the warehouse, then towards the port, where a ship, seeing the danger, was about to leave, with a leap I got on the ship, but my slave failed and fell into the sea, she didn't know swim and disappeared in that putrid sea infested with Urt and voracious fish, while we set out to sea, we saw the city in flames, the buildings collapsing, everything was lost, I later learned that Lady Zypero and Sir Youroki had saved themselves, they tried to rebuild a part of the city, then he too left, leaving his partner alone, perhaps dead, and took refuge in the Thahari desert, we would meet again later.
I, however, after a stop in Bgrundisium, decided to return to the small town of Jad in the Cos archipelago, I would put my life in order, after the disappointment of Blue's disappearance, and decide on the future

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